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Opting for local deals not only saves you money but also strengthens the Stamford economy. When you shop local in Stamford, Connecticut, you’re investing back into your community. LocalCity Sale aims to link local sellers with discerning buyers, ensuring that the community thrives. If you're a seller from Stamford, we're here to boost your online visibility, drive potential customers your way, or even assist in crafting a modern website for your business. Check out our Local Seller Resource page to discover how we can accelerate your business growth.

SoldierStrong is an organization dedicated to helping injured military veterans start a new journey in life. They provide rehabilitation technologies for combat-related disabilities, such as the SoldierSuit, which includes state-of-the-art robotic exoskeletons for veterans with disabling injuries. They also offer BraveMind, a virtual reality therapy program to help veterans recover from post-traumatic stress. Additionally, SoldierStrong provides scholarships through their SoldierScholar program to help veterans pursue degrees and support themselves and their families. The organization has made significant donations of medical devices and awarded scholarships to date. They continue to work towards meeting urgent needs and preventing veteran suicide.