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San Jose, CA

KeenAlignment's Executive Leadership Development Workshop aims to help managers overcome challenges with accountability and workflow, improving team efficiency. The Institute of Coaching highlights that individuals who receive coaching experience improved work performance and relationships. KeenAlignment offers three Leadership Development Programs:

1. Culture Catalyst: This program addresses deep-seated issues such as high employee attrition and reduced engagement. It focuses on cultural transformation to remedy these problems.

2. Momentum Coaching: Designed for managers feeling stuck on their path to senior leadership, this program provides personal and inspirational leadership coaching to build momentum in career advancement.

3. Leadership Accelerator: This program targets trust and team tension issues that impact performance. It helps leaders unlock their potential through a leadership team development approach.

KeenAlignment's 5-step process can guide individuals in determining the best program for their needs. They also provide a free online assessment to evaluate the alignment of strategy, leadership, and people within an organization. Interested individuals can schedule a free 30-minute consultation with a culture coach by calling 1-833-226-6679. Testimonials from satisfied clients emphasize the impact and effectiveness of KeenAlignment's programs in transforming leadership skills and organizational culture.