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Image Clear Ultrasound Logo

Image Clear Ultrasound

Omaha, NE
✅ LocalCity Sale Trusted Business

Image Clear Ultrasound is a platform that aims to provide support and resources to individuals facing unplanned pregnancies. They offer three main options: abortion, adoption, and parenting. For those considering abortion, they provide information on both surgical abortion and the abortion pill, including medical risks and other concerns. If adoption is the chosen option, Image Clear Ultrasound explains the process and emphasizes that birth parents have the ability to choose the adoptive parents for their child. Additionally, they provide information on various types of parenting options for individuals who are considering raising their child themselves.

All services provided by Image Clear Ultrasound are free of charge. This includes pregnancy testing, ultrasounds, and referrals to community agencies or resources that may be needed. The platform aims to ensure individuals have access to accurate information so they can make informed decisions about their pregnancy. The website also features sections on "Your Health" and "Your Experience," providing additional resources and support throughout the pregnancy journey.